

Reactor cells reimagined

In the production of hydrogen carriers such as ammonia, methanol and methane, efficient catalysts are needed to drive the reaction between the hydrogen and the reactant. The reverse process, in which fuel is converted into hydrogen, will be increasingly crucial for on-site hydrogen production at refueling stations for hydrogen-powered mobility systems. Catator works closely together with industry leaders to develop cutting-edge fuel-to-hydrogen conversion systems that are sufficiently compact and lightweight to enable decentralized mobile hydrogen production and combustion.

CataLite reformer systems include:

  • Steam reforming reactors
  • Dry reforming reactors
  • Bi/tri reforming reactors
  • Ammonia cracking reactors
  • Water-gas shift reactors
  • Preferential/selective oxidation reactors
  • Methanation reactors
  • Fischer-Tropsch reactors
  • Hydrogenation reactors

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